Be Still & Know I Am God

During a recent devotional I started thinking about how busy we all seem to get during
the holidays. And how sometimes in our silly determination to complete our “to-list” we
put God in the backseat instead of beside us.

Psalm 46:10 tells us to “Be still and know that I Am God!

If you’re like me, you become incredibly busy during the holidays. We become
impatient with ourselves as we struggle to keep up with all of our self-imposed duties of
the holidays:

  • Make sure our house is decorated just right
  • Attend all the fun events
  • Make sure everyone’s feed the perfect meal
  • Make sure everyone has the perfect present under the tree

We turn into a super-human holiday elf wanna-be instead of allowing ourselves to be a
“human-size” relaxed elf of a shelf enjoying the view around us. Instead of taking the
time to notice God and the blessings this season brings.

Each one of us has invisible buckets that only hold so much anxiety and exhaustion.
And when we’re too busy our invisible buckets can start to overflow and in our
determination to keep pressing through, we rely on our own efforts instead of looking to

This holiday season we need to take the time to slow down and make sure we don’t
take our focus off God and the true meaning of Christmas. Ask yourself how might slowing down help you:

1) encounter God’s kindness in a more fulfilling way?
2) experience Christmas in a more meaningful way?

Do not let caner take your life before your time. Remember there is a difference between being alive and LIVING!

"For I know the plans I have for you says the Lord. Plans for good and not for disaster.
Plans for a future and hope." ~Jeremiah 29:11