When I was first diagnosed with Primary Peritoneal Cancer (PPC) I firmly believed my wellness and healing come first from God, and then Western medicine.  After more research, I learned I also needed to change my eating habits and add good nutrition to my arsenal.

I quickly began to understand that western medicine unfortunately could not “cure” my cancer, it can only treat my cancer’s symptoms (tumors).  In order for me to beat the odds and survive, I needed not only a method of treating my cancer’s symptoms, but I needed something which would help fight the cancer itself.  A wonderful quote I came across while doing research said it all, “Western medicine is like a band-aide. It helps maintain your symptoms while you work on fixing the cause of your symptoms (tumors).”

It was a shock to me that “cancer” and “tumors” were not one in the same. I thought when new tumors emerged, knocked out by chemo therapy, my “cancer” was also killed and completely removed from my body. I thought I was one of the unlucky ones whose cancer kept coming back. I was wrong. Cancer is the illness, cancerous tumors are the result.

A special white blood cells called T-cells are supposed to attack and destroy these mutant cells. Obviously, my T-cells are on strike refusing to work. So, my cancer cells are free to roam my bloodstream, travel to other parts of my body forming cancerous tumors wherever they find a cozy place to call home.

One of my oncologist put it more poetically, “Treating your cancer is like playing wack-a-mole. Every time a new tumors emerges, we whack it down with chemo, and keep whacking each new tumor as it shows its ugly head.” Well, while I don’t mind my oncologist playing whack-a-mole with my tumors, I wanted something more. I wanted a way to fight the cancer itself, not just address the symptoms. I wanted more than a band-aide. So, I did more research and added a Naturalpathic Oncologist to my arsenal and have never regretted it!

  What is a Naturalpathic Oncologist?

  • Uses naturopathic medicine in cancer treatment
  • Supports conventional cancer treatment and protocols
  • Helps manage side effects from both cancer and cancer treatments
  • Increases effectiveness of conventional treatments through natural methods
  • Aides the body to heal with a focus on preventing recurrence of the disease
  • Focuses on preventing recurrences using natural methods, such as vitamins, minerals, and other supplements, as well as interrogative methods